Male Enhancement Advices
Most men are very concerned with penis size, and how their penis measures up to other men's. Because of this, men have tried all sorts of ways to enlarge their penis.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Questions about Male Enhancement Pills
So what more can we say about penis enhancement pills? They are among the hottest selling pharmaceuticals in the world as they all promise to solve men's problems and improve not only their sexual abilities but also their whole life. Obviously, all men will be interested, since a healthy sexual life is important for all of us.
Do sexual enhancement pills work?
This is a question that can be answered only by those who have tried them. Reviews and patients' testimonials usually say they do work. If those do not convince you, the best thing to do is try for yourself. After all what could you lose? Maybe some time and money, but that's not much compared to what you could achieve: stronger, longer-lasting erections, size improvement, stronger orgasms, better sexual experiences.
Do penis enhancement pills have permanent results?
In this case, the answer depends on lots of things: the kind of pills you chose, the company that produces them and the formula they use. Most male enhancement pills use natural formulas, Chinese herbs, vitamins, minerals. But the answer to the question above also depends on each man, on his patience and determination, on the way he respects the treatment and the manufacturer's instructions.
Which are the best enhancement pills ?
The answer to this question is not so easy to obtain, as every producer will obviously say that their product is the best. That’s part of the marketing campaign, that each company will conduct. The amount of information is so huge that a man will usually be dazzled and unable to choose the product best suited for his needs. Usually, the best penis enhancement pills come with instructions on how to take them and what exercises to do in order to make them work better. You should keep in mind that pills do not work by themselves, you need to “cooperate” in order to obtain the best results. That means: exercising and being patient.
How long before I notice the first results?
This is another thing that depends on each man. As said above, there’s no magic involved, you must be patient and do your daily routine. Do not expect your male enhancement supplement to work overnight. With high quality ones you should notice the first changes, such as an improvement in erection hardness and stronger climaxes, after a few weeks of treatment. These improvements will continue to grow over the next few months.
That’s about all we had to say about male enhancement pills. Maybe you’ll need to do some sacrifices: spending some money, giving up some of your spare time but results will appear if you think positively and if you choose the best male enhancement supplement.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Does Weight Affect Sperm Quality?
What we know for a fact is that overweight and obese people tend to cut down on effort whenever they can. This has a big influence on sex since regular effort is crucial to the secretion of testosterone by the body. Testosterone does not regulate the quality of sperm, but it does influence the sex drive and the growth of spermatogenic tissue in the testes. It is this tissue that performs the very production of sperm. A decrease in the normal level of testosterone, which is bound to happen to every “couch potato” person who tends to avoid effort, leads to a drop in the libido. The individual is no longer as interested in sex as before, nor does he get as much pleasure from it as he used to. Combined with the frequent exposure to substances that mimic the effects of the estrogen hormone, the low level of testosterone may lead to shrinking penis and testicles.
Moreover, people who are overweight or obese may have unbalanced diets that tend to leave out foods rich in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals that enters the human body through food. It is found in oysters, beans, nuts and seeds. A deficiency of zinc, resulting from the inadequate intake or absorption of zinc, is marked by hair loss, skin lesions and wasting of body tissues. Zinc is very important for the production of sperm and for maintaining the quality and motility of sperm. Without enough zinc, the quality of sperm will suffer.
Therefore we recommend to all overweight persons to try the powerful ProShape RX . This product is based on powerful natural substances, such as the amazing Hoodia Gordonii, that promote the burning of stored fat and prevent the body from storing energy as new fat. Hoodia Gordonii is used in dietary supplements and weight loss pills to curb the feeling of hunger and help users find the motivation they need to get through with restrictive diets. Aside from this top quality weight loss product, we also recommend VolumePills as a way of boosting your sex life and making sure you receive your daily supply of zinc. These pills are sure to keep the quality of your sperm at the highest mark.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Penis Enlargement methods
Is penis enhancement right for you?
Most men consider whether they should have penis enhancement at some point in their lives. And when they look into it, they inevitably find the variety of methods available for the purpose. The amount of information available can make your head spin!
Before you start, take a moment to consider what you are eligible for. For example, some men are better suited for surgery, while most others are better off using another method. Here we go into the three most popular methods – traction devices, surgery, and enhancement pills – and suggestions to help you decide.
Traction devices
Anyone can use a traction device, and there are no restrictions of any kind on what makes a man better suited for using them. These are highly recommended for men who are interested in quality results, and who have no issues with taking their time. Permanent gains are made slowly over many months, so if you are prepared to be patient, you are well suited to this method.
Forms of traction (and gentle vacuum devices) have been prescribed by physicians for treatment of medical conditions like Peyronie’s disease, a condition resulting in a highly curved penis. If you have such a condition, this may be just what you need. Seek the assistance of your physician.
Although the best candidates are in good health, existing medical conditions have no impact on the effectiveness of the device. These devices are considerably less expansive than surgery, making them a highly popular choice.
You are a good candidate for penis enhancement surgery if you are in relatively good physical health, and have the time for the recovery process. Because surgery is relatively invasive, having a strong constitution makes you a better candidate, as you will be far less susceptible to secondary infection. Smokers tend to have a much slower rate of healing depending on how long they have been smoking.
The healing process requires time, and the patient will need from one to two weeks of total rest after the procedure before going back to work. Sex is not possible for some time, usually several months.
As penis enlargement surgery is expensive, anywhere between $3000 and $9000, it helps to have the financial strength to support it. Naturally, if you would be pressed to come up with the funds, it may be better to try one of the less expensive methods first.
Enhancement pills
Enhancement pills are appropriate for almost anyone. They fall in the middle of the pack in terms of price, making them affordable. They are totally non-invasive, so there is no recover time, pain or discomfort. With supplements like VigRX, there are also other health benefits in addition to penis enhancement.
A single point of caution: if you have a medical condition for which you are taking medication, consult with your physician before taking supplements. Although all ingredients in VigRX are natural, Ginsing may interfere with other medications – consult with your doctor to ensure there are no conflicts.
A note – if you have ongoing medical conditions
If you have a medical condition for which you are taking medication (such as hypertension), or are taking sedatives or antidepressants, you will definitely want to check with your physician before taking penis enhancement supplements. Although these supplements are completely natural, the herbal ingredients are also highly potent, and can affect other medications.
Some supplement products are not appropriate for users with high blood pressure or heart difficulties. Yohimbe is an ingredient contained in certain supplements that has been known to occasionally cause heart attacks!
While it is best to strictly avoid Yohimbe if you know you have a heart condition of any kind, it is still possible to use other supplements that do not contain Yohimbe, such as VigRX. VigRX contains no Yohimbe. Always check ingredients with your doctor before using any new supplement.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
What environmental factors can affect impotence
Impotence is one of the biggest problems faced by men and this holds
true for men from all ages and races. It is tied deeply with our
self-esteem and psychological well being, which makes it a key part of the
overall good functioning of the human male. Most men are forced to face a
challenge of their fitness as males at least once in their lives and it
is very hard for the biggest part of those suffering from erectile
dysfunctions to admit their problems and seek help. Studies show that an
estimated 150 million men worldwide suffer from impotence and that less
than 10 percent of them seek treatment.
The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and
lifestyle. Although the physical and psychological factors are responsible
for most cases of impotence, few people know that this dysfunction can
be caused or worsened by certain lifestyle choices. There are cases
when making certain positive changes in lifestyles helped men overcome
The biggest lifestyle-related causes of impotence are smoking,
excessive consumption of alcohol, drug abuse (especially cocaine, heroine,
marijuana and steroids), extreme obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. This is
why a decrease in the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
could go a long way toward improving your sexual performances. Also,
regular exercising and diets are another great way of improving the sex life
of overweight men and also boosting confidence by stimulating the
production of testosterone.
One product that can help men achieve harder erections and produce
bigger amounts of sperm is the excellent VolumePills. Available only from
an online store, these pills are a sure way of improving your sex life
using a unique blend of natural ingredients. The increase in blood flow
to the penis means rock-hard erections every time, while the up to 500
per cent boost in sperm production is a guarantee for longer orgasms.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Steroids are medically generated substance used for various medical
purposes. It is commonly utilized to enhance body growth. Basically,
steroids are used by body builders, athletes, and people with active
occupations. Some forms of steroids are used in performing surgeries and as
pain reliever. The use of steroids requires a prescription from an
authorized physician. However, steroids are definitely banned I all
sports. In fact, a lot of big name sports personalities have been linked to
the use of steroids. Accordingly, the misuse of steroids can lead to a
lot of side effects, which causes diseases and even death.
The most common form of steroid is the anabolic steroid. Essentially,
steroids promote growth of tissues and muscles. Every man has secretes
a hormone called testosterone, which is responsible for the physical
growth during puberty. The purpose of anabolic steroids is enhancers to
make the androgenic effects possible, which make a man’s sexual
features, develop fast. Because of this, a lot of men have used steroids to
boost their penis size and erection. However, steroids are expensive,
does is not affordable to all men. To remedy this problem, some men
take other steroid containing substance.
Friday, December 16, 2005
VigRX™ solves erectile problems without side effects!

VigRX solves erectile problems without side effects!
Since its introduction in 1999, Viagra has made a powerful name for itself in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). It was so successful that competition has now moved in, in the form of two new drugs named Cialis and Levitra. More and more men are moving towards addressing and treating a problem that has plagued them for many centuries – soft and short-lived erections.
But although Viagra and its cousins have proven effective for millions of men, some find the side effects a hassle to deal with. Side effects often include headaches, flushing (of the face), and indigestion. Even more srious, if Viagra is taken with drugs like nitroglycerine it may cause sudden and potentially deadly drops in blood pressure!
Drugs are not for everyone,
side-effects are a very real possibility.
Many men find the side effects enough of a deterrent that they go in search of another solution. That’s why so many men are turning to natural supplements like VigRX™, which is possibly the most popular. Many men find it gives them similar results, minus the high price tag and nasty side effects!
VigRX™ can solve ED,
and has no negative side effects!
Medical proof – herbs actually work!
Many pharmaceuticals were developed using traditional herbal medicines as a starting point. Modern drug research has often started with ancient lore about a given plant or extract, known to native peoples for having a given medical effect. They isolate a basic compound or active ingredient, and then prepare it for sale on the market.
Most native cultures have botanical cures for sexual improvement and erection issues. While some were simply placebos that gave imaginary results, many others were physiologically valid, and later became medically proven to have positive effects on the penis tissues. Medical proof continues to be added to the list every day.
The power of herbal supplements
Many of the herbs contained in VigRX™ directly affect the corpus cavernosa, otherwise known as the erectile bodies within the penis. Many of the ingredients in VigRX™ have undergone extensive clinical research that proves they can be effective for increasing penis performance, erection size, and in treating erectile problems.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
is determine if his penis size at least meets the averages. There are
several statistics dealing with today’s average penis sizes. Generally,
Caucasian males have penis sizes averaging about 6.2 inches long, with
the approximate circumference of 3.2 inches. However, studies conducted
as early as 1795, have invariably shown that the African Negro race has
superior penis length and roundness. Contrary to this, the studies
conducted by the famous Kinsey Institute report only a minimal advantage
for Negro races, whose genitals measure 6.3 inches in length and 3.7 in
circumferences. In order to be closer to the truth, more conclusive data
should be gathered in this area since the sampling of test subjects
done in that particular Kinsey study yielded only about 50 black males as
opposed to the 2,500 Caucasian males. This unequal sampling does not
prove the figures given beyond doubt.